Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Month in the Life of Your Hormones

Hormones. You know they’re there—and that they’re responsible for the ebb and flow of your monthly cycle. But have you ever wondered what’s going on in your body from week to week? We talked to the experts so you can stay one step ahead of your hormonal fluctuations.
[Important note: No two menstrual cycles are alike. All women experience different symptoms, and the length of their monthly cycle varies. For the purpose of this article, we have divided the hormonal phases into four weeks, though it may not be true across the board for all women.]
Week One: Post-Period
Your period is over—phew! “The very cessation of the period itself makes some women perk up during this time,” says Hal Danzier, MD, reproductive endocrinologist and cofounder of Southern California Reproductive Center. But your estrogen and progesterone levels are at their lowest now, which could translate into two things: tiredness, though many women don’t notice energy level dips; and low libido.
Women closer to menopause may experience an increase in estrogen, which is often called an estrogen “bath,” says Bruce McLucas, MD, OB/GYN, assistant clinical professor at the UCLA School of Medicine and founder of the 
Fibroid Treatment Collective. “In this week when younger women would be experiencing their lowest hormone levels, women close to menopause can experience high bursts of estrogen.”
How to feel your best during this phase: Inga Zilberstein, MD, a New York City–based OB/GYN, describes this period as a “renewal of sexualrelationships,” so think of it in those terms and try to reconnect with your lover. Just be patient with yourself as your libido is working itself back up to its usual place. To help it along, try these tips to get you in the mood. And, for women post-menopause, read these 10 facts about sex after menopause. No matter what stage of life you’re in, there’s a lot you can do to heat things up in the bedroom.
Week Two: Pending Ovulation
In this week, says Dr. Danzier, your estrogen levels begin to build again. “Women feel more energy, more sex drive and often they notice more cervical mucus,” he explains. Increased hormonal activity and pending ovulation mean you may have a heightened sense of smell, along with clearer thinking and better coordination. Many women, in fact, report feeling their best at this time of the month—physically and mentally. “You’d be likely to do better with a final exam if you’re in school, or a presentation if you’re at work,” Dr. Danzier says.
This is when you’ll also be on your A-game in the bedroom, adds Dr. Danzier. “The chemistry of your body is preparing for reproduction, so it makes sense that chemically you start feeling more inclined to have sex,” he says. “And that predisposition translates to how you behave when you’re feeling more sexual.” The downside: “Right around ovulation is also the time when many women experience acne breakouts, or single pimples, usually recurring in the same area,” continues Dr. Danzier.
Premenopausal women, however, may report different feelings during this week due to lack of estrogen balance in the body, says Dr. McLucas. Expect breast tenderness, weight gain, headaches and water retention, similar to what you might expect right before starting your period.
How to feel your best during this phase: To fix any outbreaks, read these tips for taking care of your skin. Otherwise, you’re likely in the groove, so enjoy yourself! Next week will bring more challenges, so think ahead about what you can do now to make it easier on yourself. And if you’re feeling a little extra experimental during this time, read about these different ways to enjoy sex.
Week Three: Post-Ovulation
Feeling warm or even downright feverish? It’s not in your head. During this post-ovulation phase, also known as the luteal phase, many women feelhot. “Increased progesterone acts on the temperature-regulating area in the brain,” explains Dr. Danzier. “It can rise about four-tenths of a degree in this phase, from 98.6 to about 99 degrees.” Increased progesterone also relaxes the smooth muscle of the uterus as well as your gallbladder, sphincter and intestines, says Dr. Zilberstein. That means you may look and feel more bloated.
During this week, the imbalance of estrogen and progesterone can affect your levels of serotonin and bring on strong premenstrual-syndrome symptoms. Think anxiety, depression, irritability and mood swings, though women taking hormonal birth control may not experience many of these symptoms, adds Dr. Danzier. “Birth control pills have been a boon to many women for regulating the ‘swings’ by changing a hormone pattern from one that shifts quickly and sharply, to one with a smoother, more even transition between levels.”
Also in this post-ovulation phase, hormones reacting with brain chemistry may produce very strange and vivid dreams. You may crave carbs and sugary foods in response to depleting serotonin levels. And mostly, you may just feel a bit off. “Women sometimes describe this part of their cycle as feeling ‘out of body,’” he continues. Some women may benefit from treatment. “PMS is a common side effect of poor-quality or low-level progesterone,” explains Erika Schwartz, MD, an internist and author of The Hormone Solution. “When we give bioidentical progesterone to women at this time of the month, we find the cravings disappear and the moods stabilize.”
Pre- and postmenopausal women won’t experience the cooldown that most women do at the end of this week, due to the absence of progesterone and an increase in estrogen.
How to feel your best during this phase: Avoid salty foods, which can contribute to water retention and more bloat. Also try to avoid sugar and processed foods whenever possible, says Dr. Danzier. “Roller-coastering your blood sugar will only exacerbate the chemical reaction of your hormones,” he adds. Plus, try not to blow off the gym—even if you really don’t feel up to it. “Forty five minutes of walking, swimming or any mild to moderate exercise has a positive effect on many women,” he continues. For some women, though, PMS can bring on extreme mood swings called PMDD. Read this article to find out if your situation is more serious.
Week Four: Your Period
A drop in estrogen and progesterone collapses the lining of the uterus. “The beginning of the menstrual cycle is also the beginning of the follicular phase of the cycle in which Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) from the pituitary gland, stimulates the ovary to produce an egg,” says Maxine Barish-Wreden, MD, an internist with Sutter Medical Foundation. “Many women, especially those who have experienced PMS, feel much better during the early part of the follicular phase as their hormone levels have dropped back to baseline.”
What is a normal period? It varies according to the individual, says Dr. Danzier, but it can include cramping—ranging from light to very painful, due to the presence of prostaglandin, a hormone-like compound that causes the uterus to spasm. Your period may last anywhere from just a few days of spotting to seven days of heavy flow. “Everything in between is normal,” adds Dr. McLucas. But if you experience very heavy bleeding that lasts longer than a week, you should speak to your doctor. “Very heavy or extended bleeding could indicate the presence of fibroids or other disease states such as precancerous changes or symptoms of endometriosis,” he says. “It’s always better to check this out with your doctor.”
Yes, you’ll experience bleeding and cramps, but you may also feel a sense of peace and calm this week, says Dr. Schwartz. “Hormone levels are nil and the mood is often calm and docile,” she says. Further proof that it’s not all bad? “Women also experience positive sensations such as relief, release, euphoria, new beginning, invigoration, connection with nature, creative energy, exhilaration, increased sex drive and more intense orgasms,” adds Lauri Grossman, chair of the Department of Medicine and Humanistic Studies at the American Medical College of Homeopathy.
Menopause may mean no flow at all or extremely heavy bleeding,” says Dr. McLucas. “It can be as short as a day or as long as a week. Hormones are no longer following regular patterns and your menses responds accordingly. You can also stop having periods for several months, then begin having regular cycles again.”
How to feel your best during this phase: “Some studies have suggested that a vegetarian diet, or a diet very low in animal food and in total fat, may help to reduce menstrual symptoms,” says Dr. Barish-Wreden. “Lowfat diets lead to lower estrogen levels in the blood, and lower hormone levels seem to result in fewer symptoms.” Learn more about how to be a part-time vegetarian if giving up meat entirely just isn’t an option.
Dr. Schwartz also recommends heating pads for aches and discomfort as well as low doses of Advil, Aleve or, if pain is persistent, Tylenol with codeine. And avoid caffeine, she says. “It constricts blood vessels and increases tension.”

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