Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mother finds kidnapped children through Facebook

Having spent the last 15 years of her life pining for the kids she last saw when they were 2 and 3 years old, a San Bernadino woman found them in Florida through Facebook. Apparently the woman, who remains unidentified, had been looking for her kids since their father, Faustino Utrera, disappeared with them 1995. Imagine her surprise when she typed her daughter’s name into the social media site and came up with the now 17-year-old's profile.
While initial contact with her daughter proved disappointing (the girl did not want to re-establish a relationship) it was also enough for authorities to establish kidnapping charges against Utrera. Both children are currently in the custody of the state of Florida, and are staying with a non-relative until the situation can be further resolved.
"You can imagine the feelings [the children’s mother is] having, not seeing her children for so many years and knowing they've bonded with another family," Deputy District Attorney Kurt Rowley said. "But at the same time they're almost within her grasp."
After all the heartache over cyber-bullying, isn’t it about time we had some good news about what technology can do for our kids?

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