Monday, June 7, 2010

Do We Face More Pressure to Be Perfect Than Our Parents?

Perfection and parenting don't mix. But that doesn't keep us parents from worrying all the time about what we've done wrong. The reality, though, is that children are very forgiving and actually learn a lot from seeing their moms and dads make mistakes. So, let's examine why we fall so often into the SuperParenting trap.
1. We worry about others judging us. Somehow we think other families have it all figured out. Nothing can be further from the truth. Once you admit you are concerned say, about your child's aggression, most parents will not only be sympathetic, but they'll dive in with their own examples.
2. We over-schedule ourselves. There are only 24 hours in a day, but sometimes families try to pack in too much. Our kids need to learn that it is better to go slowly and value the experience than to rush from one thing to the next.
3. We think more is better. Children pick up on this message early on. Try to avoid comparing your family with others in terms of material goods. Instead, teach your children to be grateful for what they already have.
Is SUPER-parenting new to this generation or has it always been around? Did our parents face the same pressures and, if so, did they do a better job at staving off them off? Do you not see an issue at all? We want to hear from parents of all ages...

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